"A BERLIN SKETCHBOOK" Kreuzberg, Germany, 1990
I had been to Berlin in July of 1982 when I was working on Robert Wilson’s Civil Wars, and had made good friends with an artist type named Michael Jacobs and his girlfriend, Heidi, who were living in the Kreuzberg district, an artistic enclave in the shadow of the Wall. We would be friends for years. Russell and I decided to visit Berlin in 1990, just after the fall of the communism and the dismantling of the Wall. Michael and Heidi had a little spare room where we camped out and enjoyed their company. I drew a lot.
I was especially fascinated with all the Bauhaus in Berlin. There were, and of course still are, lots of great examples all over the city. I also had a little map of some of the famous buildings and took the Metro around town to see them and do lots of sketches. Then in the museums too, one could see all the original furniture and household goods and sculpture and paintings.
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