World-wide, 2001 -
"Political propaganda,
especially Communist-oriented, disseminated through literature, drama,
art or music. ..."
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Below: "La civilización
occidental y cristiana" (The Western and Cristian Civilization), by León
Ferrari, buenos Aires.
Below: Rome, Italy, 2006.
Below: The White House, Washington, D.C., 2006.
Below: The Supreme Court Building, Washington,
D.C., 2006.
Below: Performance artist Elizabeth Romero,
Jalapa, Veracruz, Mexico, 2005.
Below: Iraqi artist Salah Edine Sallot, Bagdad, Iraq,
May 23, 2004.
Below: Israeli artist/activists, Tel Aviv, Israel,
Below: Jordanian actress, Suhair Fahed, (center)
interprets United States soldier Lynndie England, in Amman, Jordan,
Below: The famous photograph
of Lynndie England (right) on which is based the following installation.
Installation "The Dog," by
Spanish artist Salvador Díaz, in the Arco annual art fair in Madrid,
Spain, 2005.
Below: Artist Fernando Botero at his exhibit at
the Palazzo Venecia, Rome, Italy, October, 2005.
Below: Iraqi artists install an effigy to Pope
Benedict XVI, Basora, Iraq, 2005.
Below: Shop window, Bagdad, Iraq, 2004.
Below, a mural in Bagdad, first put up in 1992, as is
appears today. The writing at the bottom says, "We will not bow
down to the infidel imperialists."
Below: Activist Reginald Keyes, London, England,
Below: Recreation of "The House of Osama Bin
Laden," by British artist Langlands Bell, London, England, September 11,
Below: Members of
student brigade, "We Shall Win," Guayabal, Cuba, 2004.
Below, an activist dressed as a cockroach is evicted
from the elitist, establishment Mexican restaurant chain, Sanborn's.
Below: Mexico, City, Mexico, December, 2006.
Below: Performance art, "The Taking of Atenco,"
Mexico City, 2006.
Below: Teatro Vivo de Oaxaca, Oaxaca City,
Mexico, May, 2006.
Below: Teatro Vivo de Oaxaca, Day of the Dead
Altar, Oaxaca, November, 2006.
Below: Teatro Vivo de Oaxaca, presentation "Justice
Raped," Ninth Mega-March, Oaxaca, Mexico, February 3, 2007.
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Below, a couple of agitprops from history.
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Below, on January 6, 2008, the Museum of Europe in
Brussels installed this replica of the torture equiptment used by
Spain's dictator Francisco Franco.
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