Everyone's favorite!
(NOTE: See below
for Sub-category "DOGS")
Below, a burro in the "tranquil" area of Chimalapas,
Below, burro festival in the town of Otumba, Mexico.
Below, mules join the protest in the national
congress, Mexico City.
Below, donkeys join a protest for justice in
Veracruz, Mexico.
Below, this person stole this burro. The burro
is recuperating under police care, Tlaxiaco, Oaxaca.
Below, source unknown
Below, Copito de Nieve, last of the great white
gorillas, died in custody in Barcelona, Spain, November 23, 2003.
Below, an artistic chimpanze, Tokyo, Japan.
Below, an artistic pig, Moscow, Russia.
Below, an artistic dog, whose work has been exhibited
at the University of Salisbury.
Below, intellegent Resus monkey, Boston, Massechusets.
Below, a Shetland pony gives birth to a zebra,
Langwathby, England.
Below, a she-wolf carries one of her nine cubs
born April 9, 2007, at the zoological gardens of Guadalajara, Mexico.
Below, a Macaque (ma-KAK) monkey and her daughter in an animal
refuge in southern China, one of 100 born this year in that park.
Below, Russell took this nice photo of a pair of yoked bulls at the livestock sale in Tlacolula, Oaxaca.
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And this little fellow was recently born at the Boston Zoo. I
guess that's his mother behind him. He was named "Sox" and
proclaimed the Honorary Mascott of the Boston Red Sox baseball team!
I mean, it's a face a mother, and I guess a Red Sox fan,
could love.
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The last day of the year 2007 saw the death in Miami, Florida,
of this magnificent creature, Nonja, at 55 years the oldest living
orangutan in captivity. She was born in Sumatra, Indonesia, and
captured shortly after her birth. She was taken briefly to Holland
and then to the United States where she served the rest of her life
behind bars. Let’s send off some good thoughts today for our
beautiful Nonja.
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