Famous accordian player, New York City.
“ … My Dad was an accordion
player who worked at the El Morocco, the Stork Club and other legendary
New York night spots. As a freelancer he was always on call, so we
didn’t vacation the way other families did. Instead we took day trips.
Whenever he had a free day we would go into “the city” from Brooklyn and
see something. Dad would point out important and historical spots all
along the way – “Marie’s Crisis” near Sheridan Square where Tom Paine
died, the barber shop of the Park Sheridan Hotel where a famous gangster
went for his last shave, “Swing Street” named for the music made by
legendary talents who entertained in the nightclubs that once lined the
block. And not only could Dad name all the ocean liners berthed on the
West Side, by their smokestacks, but we’d go on board and visit them.
"Every year, sometime in
December, my Mom would utter that much anticipated sentence: 'Jimmy,
when are we going to see the tree?' My heart skipped a beat as I
imagined the glory of Rockefeller Center. ..."
From “I Love This Town!” by Maria
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