American author born Oakland,
California, 1874 - 1946
PHOTO: Alfred Langdon Coburn, 1913.
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“When this you see remember me.”
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Below, Gertrude Stein with her dog
Pepe, writing “The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas,” 1932.
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A Play by Gertrude
He was very restless. He does not like to stand while he picks
flowers. He does not smell flowers. He has a reasonable liking for
herbs. He likes their smell. He is not able to see storms. He can see
anything running. He has been able to be praised.
Below, Dale Meador and Bill Wolf, as
Anthony and Cleopatra, in “Turkey and Bones and Eating and We Liked It,”
San Francisco, 1972.
Anthony and Cleopatra
Do you like him. I
must go and see the workingmen.
Do you like them
they are giving our son a knife.
Whom does he
resemble. The son resembles his mother. Don’t say it.
Why not.
Because the father
does not prefer to hear it. He prefers to hear that the son resembles
The son resembles
him but he looks like his mother.
They wish him to
have every advantage.
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Below, Gertrude Stein and Virgil
Thompson examine the score for “Four Saints in Three Acts,” 1929.
An Opera
Libretto by Gertrude
Music by Virgil
To know to know to
love her so.
Four saints prepare
for saints.
It makes it well
Four saints it
makes it well fish.
Four saints prepare
for saints it makes it well well fish it makes it well fish prepare for
In narrative
prepare for saints.
Prepare for saints.
Two saints.
Four saints.
Two saints prepare
for saints it two saints prepare for saints in prepare for saints.
Saint Teresa seated and not standing half and half of it and not half
and half of it seated and not standing surrounded and not seated and not
seated and not standing and not surrounded and not surrounded and not
not not seated not seated not seated not surrounded not seated and Saint
Ignatius standing standing not seated Saint Teresa not standing not
standing and Saint Ignitius not standing standing surrounded as if in
once yesterday. In place of situations. Saint Teresa could be very
much interested not only in settlement Saint Settlement and this is not
with with this wither wither they must be additional. Saint Teresa
having not commenced.
Saint Placide. How
many windows are there in it.
Saint Theresa. How
many windows and doors and floors are there in it.
Saint Theresa. How
many doors how many floors and how many windows are there in it.
Saint Plan. How
many windows are there in it how many doors are there in it.
Saint Chavez. How
many doors are there in it how many floors are there in it how many
doors are there in it how many windows are there in it how many floors
are there in it how many windows are there in it how many doors are
there in it.
Pigeons on the
grass alas.
Pigeons on the
grass alas.
Short longer grass
short longer longer shorter yellow grass. Pigeons large pigeons on the
shorter longer yellow grass alas pigeons on the grass.
If they were not
pigeons what were they.
If they were not
pigeons on the grass alas what were they. He had heard of a third and
he asked about it it was a magpie in the sky. If a magpie in the sky on
the sky can not cry if the pigeon on the grass alas can alas and to pass
the pigeon on the grass alas and the magpie in the sky on the sky and to
try and to try alas on the grass alas the pigeon on the grass the pigeon
on the grass and alas. They might be very well very well very well they
might be.
Let Lucy Lily Lily
Lucy Lucy let Lucy Lucy Lily Lily Lily Lily Lily let Lily Lucy Lucy let
Lily. Let Lucy Lily.
Who makes who makes
it do.
Saint Teresa and
Saint Teresa too.
Who does and who
does care.
Saint Chavez to
Saint Chavez to
Who may be what is
it when it is instead.
Saint Plan Saint
Plan to may to say to say two may and inclined.
Who makes it be
what they had as porcelain.
Saint Ignatius and
left and right laterally be lined.
All Saints.
To Saints.
Four Saints.
Five Saints.
To Saints.
Last Act.
Which is a fact.
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Below, Alice B. Toklas, Gertrude Stein,
and Harold McCormick at the Chicago premiere of “Four Saints in Three
Acts,” 1934.
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PHOTO: Cecil Beaton
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Below, at her home on the Rue de
Fleurus, Paris, sitting beneath her portrait by Pablo Picasso.
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Below: With Alice B. Toklas and their
dog Basket, Paris, 1944.
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Below, "Gertrude Stein," by Jo Davidson, bronze, 31"
high, 1920.
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