* * *
1951 -
"When I Worked at Finocchios" by Diana Ricci
World War Two had ended and
1952 -
backstagewith duke ellington by sk dunn
when i first met carroll (on
my 16th birthday)
* * *
1965 -
"The New Improved Jook Savages" by Stan Gotlieb
When we moved to North Beach
from ...
1966 -
"Viet Nam Times" by Stan Gotlieb
It was a
warm sunny day
the likes of which ...
* * *
1970 -
“Those Wonder Years” by Maria
I arrived in SF in 1970 – the hippies had left for Marin, and Haight
Street had the leftovers of the previous very heady three years.
The Greatful Dead were ...
* * *

Right: Building the float, "Queen
Isabela Gives Her Jewels to Columbus," on the night before
the parade, Vicksburg Street, 1974.
* * *
1974 -
"A hole in his underwear" by Bermuda Schwartz
Most people don't know, but ...
1980 -
“Edie Beale
Honored” by Maria Manhattan
In the winter
of 1980-81, I was responsible for a "major art event" ...
* * *
1983 -
doing samuel
becket's happy days by sk dunn
the only time i ever saw happy days was in france. we were in paris waiting
to go to iran and byrd asked me if i wanted to go with him to see a
beckett play performed in an atelier at ...
1987 -
“How I met
my wife” by Joshua Brody
Did you know the
woman I was
sitting next to at the Rite Spot ...
* * *
1989 -
Educating Auntie” by Susie Hirschfield
I had been a volunteer at
Gay Mens Health Crisis, the first grass roots AIDS organization,
for eighteen months
* * *
1997 -
"When Tania Libertad
came to town” by Sergio Santamaría
We were sitting around thinking
up names for our condom store
when ...
* * *
"Stories from the Garden” by
Robert O'Connor
Our annual garden party is usually
around the 23 of June
and a few years
back a young man, Marc, who was ...
* * *
“The Gates
are Glorious” by Maria Manhattan
Merry and I have been walking,
walking, walking ...
* * *

* * *
Above: Southern window, Vicksburg Street
San Francisco, 1972