NOTE: The following is a transcript of side one
of a mail-order
Audio Letter by a radio preacher found among the belongings of Tom
Ellison and included in the instalation "Vallejo Garage" by Russell
Ellison (SEE: Tableaux and Installations), 1979.
... Here my friends is where the new Russian intelligence weapon
enters the picture. What I am about to reveal I am revealing
primarily for history. I know even before I reveal it that some of
my listeners will desert me after they hear it - saying that it just
cannot be. But my friends I also know that the events in the days
ahead will be impossible to understand without knowing this secret
so I do not ask that you believe it simply because I say it but what
I do ask, and I ask it for your own good, is that you keep an open
mind. Listen and hear what I must now reveal. Then watch events
themselves. My friends, since World War II and before, scientists
the world over have been probing for the basic secrets of life
itself and in this field as in others progress as been much faster
than the public has been led to believe. Today it is common
knowledge that heredity has governed by something called genes yet
barely a generation ago this relationship was only beginning to be
suspected. When it was suggested in 1944 by a theoretical physicist,
Erwin Schrodinger, it was a novel idea. Beyond that no one was too
certain what genes were aside from huge molecules or clusters of
molecules. Some thought they were molecular chunks of protein; some
thought they were something else. When Schrodinger's idea about
genes were published, World War II was still raging and basic
scientific research was on a back burner and yet, barely half a
dozen years later, researchers were zeroing in on a building block
of life even more basic than genes. The solution was found to this
revolutionary puzzle in 1953 at Cambridge University in England. Scientist
James Watson, Francis Crick and Maurice Wilkins were later to share
the Nobel prize for solving the puzzle. They had discovered the
molecular structure of DNA, the famous double helix. In 1968 Watson
published titled "The Double Helix" published by Athenaeum, New York,
New York. To understand the overwhelming importance of the double
helix discovery in 1953 one need go no further than these few words
on the jacket of the book. "DNA is the molecule of heredity and to
know its structure and method of reproduction enables science to
know how genetic directions are written and transmitted; how the
forms of life are ordered from one generation to the next." Unquote.
In other words, to understand DNA is begin to understand life
itself. It has now been over a quarter a century since the crucial
discovery of the DNA double helix and since then research in
molecular biology has not been standing still, but speeding up. In
some cases research has gone in directions which are deliberately
sheltered from publicity because of the fear of public reaction. Not
so long ago, for example, universities doing research into
artificial microbes found their neighbors in an ugly mood when they
found about it. Test tube babies are now a reality and that began
not long ago in England where the mystery of DNA was first unraveled.
Then of course there are clones, that is, creatures which are
reproduced by artificial means and which are exact duplicates of an
original. Clones of all kinds of animals have been produced
successfully in the laboratories but that is not what bothers people.
In the recent past it has been claimed that human clones are also
possible and that some may already be in existence. These last
claims about human clones have been ridiculed, denied and suppressed
by all kinds of officials. The reason is that the idea of duplicate
human beings impinges upon a super secret realm of intelligence
activities by both the Russians and the United States. True,
clones are not involved but something that bears a superficial
resemblance to cloning is going on and the last thing the powers
that be want is for you and the public to have any hint about what
is afoot. In Russia as well as in the West, research has been
underway for many years in biological synthesis, that is, artificial
life forms and, according to high intelligence, a stunning
breakthrough took place in Russia some years ago. The Russians
refer to this breakthrough as a providential discovery, something
they learned almost by accident. They discovered the key to
creating what are known as organic robotoids. An organic robotoid
is an artificial robot-like creature. It looks and acts exactly
like a human being and yet it is not human. A robotoid is live in
the biological sense but it is an artificial life form. Robotoids
respond to conventional routine medical tests in the same way as
humans do. They eat, they drink, they breathe, they bleed if cut
and they can be killed. Robotoids can also think but they think
only in the sense that a computes thinks. Like any other computer
the brain of a robotoid has to be programmed for each assignment it
is given. By this means they were hoping to bring America to her
knees with one swift blow, but if that failed that were prepared for
all out war. It was a desperate gamble for the Kremlin. Far more
dangerous than the Cuban missile crisis of 1962. In a military
double-cross the Kremlin was terminating unilaterally the secret
Rockerfeller-Soviet alliance of nearly six decades. But nuclear
war did not erupt then, thanks primarily to the brave actions of
just one man. That man was the late General George S. Brown, then
chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. It was he who persuaded then
President Gerald Ford to give the order overruling Henry Kissinger
to remove the Russian missiles from America's waters. In Audio
Letter 16 that September I revealed the loyal brave actions of
General Brown in preventing nuclear war. Those actions include my
own lengthy meeting with him at the Pentagon on September 16, 1976.
For doing his duty General Brown very soon encountered reprisals
against him. It began in October 1976, soon after my meeting with
him. The major media began cutting him down and he was even forced
to apologize on national television for some alleged remarks that
were six months old. Up until then General Brown had been famous
for his outspoken, forthright behavior. But after that he quickly
faded into obscurity. He did not actively serve out his term as
chairman of the Joint Chiefs and reportedly died of cancer soon
after retiring. In Audio Letters 17 and 23, I revealed how the fate
of General Brown was tied directly to a drastic reversal in
America's fortunes, but until now I have never revealed what finally
happened to General Brown. Now at last I can tell you. I'll return
to the matter of General Brown after telling you some other things
which you need to know first. The neutralization of General Brown
was part of an effort by the late four Rockefeller brothers to
reinstate their former secret alliance with the Soviet Union. The
brothers simply could not believe at first that the alliance was
gone for good. It was not until mid-1977 that they received
evidence convincing them that their old allies in Russia, the
atheistic Bolsheviks were being overthrown. Up until then the
brothers were still trying to glue things back together. In this
regard a little known practice of the late Nelson Rockefeller is now
acquiring crucial importance. Of the four brothers, Nelson in
particular, always lived in fear of being assassinated. Like a moth
drawn to a flame he craved the limelight and yet feared it at the
same time. Most of all he was always worried that someone close to
him, someone he himself had placed in power, would someday double-cross
him and as I revealed in Audio Letter 43, his fears were well
founded. For Nelson Rockefeller the lust for power was rivaled by
only one other emotion - revenge. He never forgot a grudge. For
example, three decades ago a young California congressman named
Richard Nixon marked himself for Rockefeller's hatred. Nixon went
after an intimate associate of Rockefellers named Alger Hiss,
charging treasonous activity by Hiss. Finally, Hiss wound up behind
bars, not for treason but for perjury in connection with treason. Rockefeller
was enraged and vowed to do in Nixon one day. Later when
Rockefeller created the 25th Amendment of the United States
Constitution he kept Nixon in mind. The 25th Amendment was the
means by which Rockefeller intended to become president without
being elected. The stage was set for a scandal called Watergate and
Nixon was maneuvered into the Oval Office so that it would be he
that was ruined by Watergate. As planned, Nixon left the Presidency
in disgrace and Hiss left prison as a sympathetic figure in the
major media. In the same way Nelson Rockefeller wanted to make sure
that if he should ever be murdered he would have his revenge even
from the grave. And so over the years he made a habit of keeping a
complete list of all the people placed in important positions by his
brothers and himself. Periodically he provided copies of the latest
list to certain elements within Russia's intelligence community. His
political testament contains instructions that were very simple. If
anybody ever killed me, use the list -find out who did it. I don't
care if you have to get rid of everybody on the list, just do it.
In doing this the one thing he never anticipated was that the
Rockefeller -Soviet alliance itself would come apart. Even so, the
Rockefeller hit lists are now coming into their own in a way that he
could never have anticipated, because the Bolsheviks who carried out
the coup d'état against the Rockefellers are also the enemies of the
new ruling faction in Russia. So Russia for her own reasons is now
using Nelson Rockefeller's hit list in the secret intelligence war
now going on. They know exactly whom to go after here in America
and have known for years and they have been preparing for years to
be in a position to use the list if that turned out to be the best
way to proceed. In June 1978, we were told that General Brown was
retiring and last December the fifth, 1978, we were told that he had
died of cancer. At that point the General Brown double collected
his pay and headed for Frankfort, West Germany, where he landed on
December 11, 1978 at 3:30 a.m. local time. It is a standing rule
that doubles for important people never live long and so at about
7:30 that evening General Brown's double was shot to death in the
back of the neck. Last month I revealed that an intelligence war of
doubles had erupted in the United States. President Carter, Vice
President Mondale and their wives had fallen victim to this war of
doubles as their Easter breaks away from Washington were ending. Now
I'm sorry to report that Amy Carter, Billy Carter, Lillian Carter
and Hugh Carter all died soon after Jimmy and Rosalyn did. All of
them, including Amy have been replaced by doubles but instead of the
Bolshevik doubles who had been waiting in the wings those we are
seeing are Russia organic robotoids. The voice of the Jimmy Carter
double, which was reproduced in Audio Letter 45 is the voice of a
robotoid. That robotoid was the one who was dazzling everyone with
his vigorous new image. Only a few months ago Carter had been
limping around with what we were told were severe hemorrhoids but
now out of the blue, here was a Carter who was a power house -
hiking, fishing and jogging ten miles a day, he also looked and
sounded younger than before. That was the first robotoid double for
Carter which I referred to last month as Cartel No. 2. By the time
I recorded Audio Letter No. 45 there was also another Carter
robotoid making the rounds. This one, Jimmy Carter No. 3 was the
one that attended the Holocaust observances in the capital building.
By contrast with Carter No. 2, No. 3 looks noticeably older and
more haggard. As I mentioned earlier robotoids are very good copies
but they are not perfect. No two look exactly alike. Last month I
mentioned that the doubles for Jimmy and Rosalyn Carter were
spending a great deal of time at the Russian embassy here in
Washington instead of at the White House. Now I can tell you why. Robotoids
are programmed at the embassy for each assignment. Between
assignments they simply test there in a state of reduced metabolism.
When the Bolshevik coup d'état the Rockefellers began four months
ago the Kremlin rulership already knew the Bolshevik doubles would
soon be on the scene and they knew that if the Bolsheviks were
allowed to complete the takeover of the United States Russia would
soon suffer. The Bolshevik plans for nuclear war against Russia are
a blueprint for suicide for America but they have not been abandoned.
Up until now the Russians had been keeping the robotoid
capabilities under wraps and there was a real question whether they
would ever be used. But the Bolshevik coup d'état convinced them
that time had come to deploy the robotoids. Now they are using
Nelson Rockefeller's hit list and using the robotoids. The Russians
have already altered the course of world events in dramatic ways. This
is the end of side one. Please advance tape to the end and turn the
cassette over to continue.
* * *